
Extra Muros


Anne & Patrick Poirier

Fragility – for the 30th anniversary of the Ludwig Museum

Sep. 11 -  Oct. 30, 2022


Anne Poirier

elected member of the sculpture section of the Académie des Beaux-Arts 

celebration 26/10/22

photo credit Brigitte March ICA Dec. 2021


Anne and Patrick Poirier: Ruins as Utopia and Self-Discovery

Text & Interview



Morgan O'Hara : Interview

Nineteen Forms of Containment 

© Morgan O'Hara © Brigitte March 2020

© photo Valentin Marquardt


Morgan O'Hara 

3 Live Transmissions, film by Candida Richardson





Timm Ulrichs : Interview

Early Works since 1961

Eine Tautologie ist eine Tautologie ist eine... 

© Timm Ulrichs 1961/2018  




Ugo Dossi : Interview

Vortex-Key-drawing, painting, object (1979- 2019) 

© Ugo Dossi 








© Brigitte March International Contemporary Art